The importance of water
Our bodies are approximately 70% water; our brain is almost 85% water. It is the primary component of all the bodily fluids; blood, lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears, and sweat. Water is involved in almost every bodily function; circulation, digestion, absorption, and elimination of wastes to name a few. Water, like the radiator on your car, regulates body temperature and cools inflammation. Water carries the electrolytes, mineral salts, which help convey electrical currents in the body; the major minerals that make up these salts are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride. Water requirements vary greatly from person to person. The climate in which we live, our activity level, and our diet all influence our need for water. Water loss from the body is approximately 60% in urine, 20% by evaporation through the skin, 15% is lost through respiration (water vapors we breath out), and 5% in our stool.
Water is fundamental to all life on Earth. Without clean water we cannot experience optimum health. The average person requires about three quarts of water per day, including food and beverages. A diet high in fruits and vegetables provides more total fluids through food than a diet high in fat, meat, and dairy products. Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, or colas, and alcoholic beverages are diuretics and drain fluids from the body by increasing fluid losses through the kidneys. Eating salty foods or processed foods such as chips, snack foods, soy sauce, etc. will draw water out of the body. Many medications have a diuretic action on the body. A sign of dehydration is a dark colored urine, headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, irritability, cloudy thinking, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, asthma, allergies, skin rashes, kidney pain, and fatigue. Also gallstones and kidney stones may occur from dehydration.
The amount of water we need is based upon a number of factors – our size; our activity level, which influences the amount of fluid we lose through sweat; the climate or temperature (higher environmental temperatures increase our fluid losses); and our diet. Special circumstances in which increased amounts of water may be needed include fever, diarrhea, kidney disease, or any situation where excessive fluid losses occur through normal body elimination processes.
Water should be consumed throughout the day. Start with one or two glasses of water first thing in the morning; this will cleanse your system and lubricate the colon to facilitate and easy bowel movement. Take a glass or two approximately one hour before meals. Do not drink fluids with or immediately after a meal because the fluids will dilute the digestive juices which will reduce food digestion and nutrient assimilation.
The average person should drink approximately two quarts of water daily or approximately eight to ten – eight ounce glasses of water daily. Add one more glass of water for every cup of coffee, coke, or caffeinated drink you consume.
✔️ Una buena hidratación es increíblemente importante, necesitamos agua para lubricar nuestras articulaciones y músculos.
Para ayudarnos a digerir y asimilar nuestros alimentos y nutrientes, para lubricar nuestro colon (un colon sano debe evacuar dentro de una hora de cada comida). Al igual que el radiador de su automóvil, necesitamos agua para regular la temperatura de nuestro cuerpo y controlar la información.
Su sangre es 80% agua y 20% sólidos a medida que nos deshidratamos, nuestra sangre se vuelve mas gruesa y requiere una presión sanguínea mas alta para mover la sangre a través del cuerpo. Su cerebro utiliza el 20% de su flujo sanguíneo y se encuentra en el punto mas alto del cuerpo, ya que el flujo sanguíneo al cerebro esta restringido, experimentamos problemas de visión, olfato, y gusto, problemas auditivos y posiblemente de memoria y/o demencia.
Nuestro sistema linfático tiene como cinco veces mas liquido linfático que sangre en el cuerpo. Cada célula recibe sangre como alimento y la célula come y digiere, al igual que usted come y digiere. Cada célula también pasa productos de desecho al sistema linfático; hay aproximadamente 10 billones de células en su cuerpo excreta en su sistema linfático.
Imagínese tomar un baño el lunes y decidir no drenar el agua de la bañera 🛁💧, luego nos bañamos en la misma agua el martes, miércoles, jueves, y para el viernes estamos tratando de averiguar si nos volveremos mas limpios para entrar o quedarnos fuera de la bañera. Esto mismo esta sucediendo dentro de tu cuerpo. 🚫
☎️ LLAME AL (622) 224-3255