Knowledge in the prevention, care, treatment, and maintenance of your nervous system help keep you healthy and pain free.
The brain and nervous system control and coordinate every function in our body. Vibrant health depends on a fully functioning nervous system; and, a healthy nervous system allows our bodies to resist disease, illness and degeneration.
The spine, which is an extension of the brain, has thirty-three pairs of nerve roots passing through openings between the twenty-four vertebrae which protect the spine. These nerve roots connect the brain to every part of the body.
Nerves make possible all muscular contraction and transmit all sensations to the brain. They make possible our sight, sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing. Nerves maintain proper balance and maintain a healthy body temperature.
They make our bowels move, control the fuction of the liver, lungs, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, and kidneys. The nervous system controls our lymphatic, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems.
Your spine has 138 joints for movement, when the bones move out of their normal position it may cause organs to malfunction due to irritated nerves, pain, inflammation, swelling, and/or disc herniation. When the vertebrae are under stress or misalignment this is called a subluxation.
Relief from acute or chronic pain using safe, gentle adjustment methods usually results in correcting these subluxations and restores your nervous system to health.
Most people recognize that stress may lead to heart attacks and ulcers, but they don’t realize it may also lead to gall bladder problems, allergies and asthma. Are you moody, irritable, have interrupted sleep, exhausted at the end of the day, have a poor attitude, unable to work long hours, lose patience with your spouse, children or co-workers, are your children cranky, not eating or sleeping well, or maybe have a change in personality, ear aches or ear infections?
Then read on!
Prevention: Back and joint injuries often result from poor posture, improper lifting techniques, poor physical condition, or sports or industrial injuries. Your first visit will include an in depth health history and a recovery plan that will address possible lifestyle modifications.
Initial Care: With pain or other obvious symptoms the first thing you want to do is to feel better. The initial treatments will be more frequent and your adjustments may be combined with acupuncture or other procedures to speed-up the recovery process. Depending on your age, condition and lifestyle, repeated visits may be needed to reduce and/or eliminate your symptoms.
Rehabilitation Treatment: Muscle and soft tissue damage often remain after your original symptoms have improved. Rehabilitation care stabilizes your spine or joints and promotes a more complete healing. Treatment frequency is reduced and a plan to supplement your care with exercise, diet, and nutrition will be part of your recovery program.
Maintenance: When spinal and joint correction is accomplished, regular check-ups can help preserve and maintain your progress. Patients interested in Prevention and Wellness will chose this type of care for themselves and their children. Like other preventive health measures; maintenance care saves time, money and insures your continued health and wellbeing.
What Conditions Do We Treat?
Sciatic Pain: often manifests as a stabbing or debilitating pain in the low back, buttocks and/or down one or both legs. The common cause of this problem is the “subluxation” of the vertebral structure and/or the bulging or herniation of the discs located between each vertebrae. This may cause a compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve roots in the lumbar area in the low back. In the buttocks these nerve roots join together to form the sciatic nerve which is about the size of your thumb. The sciatic nerves run down the back of both legs, they are the largest and longest nerves in the body. Adjustment, alignment and/or Acupuncture are safe and very effective treatments.
Bulging, Herniated, or Ruptured Discs: Research at George Washington University revealed that half of the people over the age of 40 have some type of disc abnormalities.
The disc is a small cartilage pad located between the vertebrae. The soft jelly like center is contained by layers of fibrous tissues. Each disc serves as a connector, spacer, and shock absorber for the spine. Healthy discs allow normal turning and bending. If a spinal joint loses its normal motion the health of the disc deteriorates. Like a wet sponge, a healthy disc is flexible. Like a dry sponge the disc is hard, stiff and can easily crack. Trauma or injury to the spine can cause discs to bulge, herniate, or rupture. This can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, interfering with their function. Proper adjustment and alignment may help restore better motion and position to the spinal joints, reducing disc bulging, create better spinal function and reduced inflammation, of the surrounding soft tissues. Many patients have avoided needless surgery or a dependency on pain medication, by choosing a natural healthcare approach to healing. Drink sufficient amounts of water to keep your body well hydrated and help protect the integrity of your discs.
Low Back Pain: Improper lifting, sitting or over-exertion, trauma, dehydration, and spinal abnormalities can all cause back pain. A bulging disc can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. Low back problems may include numbness, tingling, or pain running down one or both legs. Adjustment and alignment restores the normal motion and position of the vertebrae and/or sacrum. This may be a simple and effective way to resolve your problems and avoid surgery.
Headaches/Migraines: Headaches are a warning sign that something is wrong. An overlooked cause of headaches is a misalignment of the spinal bones in the neck and upper back. When spinal nerves are stretched or irritated they can produce throbbing headaches. Aspirin and medications may treat the symptoms (pain), but do nothing to resolve the underlying problem. Stress, certain foods, preservatives, toxic fumes, and alcohol are all common triggers for headache. Adjustment and alignment is a safe, drug free way to resolve the problem.
Joint Function: Impaired joint function may result in, a reduced range of motion, inflammation, scar tissue and/or calcium deposits, which may be caused by over exertion, repetitive motion, accidents, such as falls or auto accidents. Sports injuries such as tennis elbow, runner’s knee, frozen shoulder, and carpal tunnel syndrome are all common problems.
Traditional treatment is to immobilize the joint to reduce movement and to use pain medication, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxers. In some cases steroid injections, such as cortisone are used to reduce pain, but long term this may do more damage than good. All of these treatments are focused on eliminating the symptoms, but none of them resolve the underlying problem. Using adjustments and realignment we can increase joint mobilization to restore normal range of motion, improve blood circulation, reduce scar tissue and speed the healing process.
Whiplash Injuries: Injuries to the neck caused by sudden movement of the head are called whiplash injuries. Whiplash normally occurs in auto accidents when the head is thrust beyond its normal limits stretching muscles and ligaments. This type of injury may cause the discs in the neck to bulge, tear, or rupture. Vertebrae may be moved out of position causing a restricted range of motion; spinal nerves may be stretched causing significant pain. These injuries may cause headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulders, arms and hands. Symptoms may not appear for weeks or months following the accident. A cervical collar, worn too long, may further weaken supportive muscles and actually lengthen your recovery period.
Sports-Related Injuries: Professional sports teams, Olympic trainers, and other competitive athletes frequently use chiropractic doctors to prevent or treat sports injuries. Normalizing spinal function helps speed the healing process, reduce inflammation, restore joint function, and relax muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Degeneration: regardless of age, when spinal damage is uncorrected, the body deposits calcium on the surface of adjacent bones that don’t move normally. If this problem exists long enough it can result in bone spurs or the complete fusion of bony structures. When a misalignment of the spine occurs, abnormal spinal motion, disc spacing and curves can exist without pain or other symptoms. If left uncorrected degeneration will continue. This may lead to bone spurs and variations of the vertebrae, soft tissue, discs and ligaments. These conditions lasting for several years may lead to the fusion and malfunction of the joints and bony structures. Atrophy, permanent nerve damage, and soft tissue degeneration will reduce mobility and impair your quality of life. Early detection may slow; stop, or even reverse the early stages of this process.
Children and Chiropractic: “Natural birthing” methods can stress the neck and spine of the baby resulting in the irritation of the nervous system which may lead to common problems such as colic, poor appetite, breathing problems, allergic reactions and unexplained crying in the new born child. Bumps and falls during childhood may lead to spinal problems or deformities, headaches, digestive problems, moody or cranky disposition, not eating or sleeping well, or possibly a change in personality, ear aches or ear infections, and/or a weakened immune system. In adolescents’ contact sports, physical exercise, training and repetitive motions can interfere with proper growth and rapid spinal development. Many spinal problems seen in adults begin in childhood.
The art of chiropractic is to detect, reduce, and help prevent nervous system dysfunction. This is done without drugs, or surgery. An adjustment is the use of a specific amount of force in a precise direction applied to a joint or vertebra that may be causing nerve interference. Adjustments help return the bones to their normal position and thereby relieving tension and pressure from the nerves. Adjustments are extremely safe and effective. Doctors or drugs do not heal people; only the body can heal itself. A properly functioning body will have the greatest ability to heal itself.
Tired of living with pain? Call Pasaporte a la Salud today! We are skilled in relieving pain of the neck, back, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Call today!
El cerebro y el sistema nervioso controlan y coordinan cada función de nuestro cuerpo. La salud vibrante depende de un sistema nervioso completamente funcional; y, un sistema nervioso sano permite que nuestro cuerpo resista las enfermedades y la degeneración física.
La columna vertebral, que es una extensión del cerebro, tiene treinta y tres pares de raíces nerviosas que pasan a través de las aberturas entre las veinticuatro vértebras que protegen la columna vertebral. Estas raíces nerviosas conectan el cerebro con cada parte del cuerpo.
Los nervios hacen posible toda contracción muscular y transmiten todas las sensaciones al cerebro. Hacen posible nuestra vista, olfato, gusto, tacto y oído. Los nervios mantienen un equilibrio adecuado y mantienen una temperatura corporal saludable.
Hacen que nuestros intestinos se muevan, controlan la función del hígado, pulmones, bazo, páncreas, vesícula biliar y riñones. El sistema nervioso controla nuestros sistemas linfático, endocrino, cardiovascular, respiratorio, digestivo y reproductor.
La mayoría de las personas reconocen que el estrés puede provocar ataques cardíacos y úlceras, pero no se dan cuenta de que también pueden causar problemas en la vesícula biliar, alergias y asma.
¿Estás de mal humor, irritable, tienes sueño interrumpido, te has agotado al final del día, tienes una mala actitud, no puedes trabajar muchas horas, pierdes la paciencia con tu cónyuge, hijos o compañeros de trabajo o bien, tal vez tienes un cambio en tu personalidad, dolores de oído o infecciones del oído?
Pasaporte a la Salud, Blvd. Sánchez Taboada, # 706, Colonia San Gilberto, Guaymas, Sonora, México 85467
Facebook – Pasaporte a la Salud